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Hot Stock Picks Tuesday 11/23/10


As we mentioned in our Alert yesterday, Retail stocks are doing just fine.

We found few more for you to shop around.

Stocks to Watch

TLB - Talbots CWTR - Coldwater Creek NWY NewYork & Co

CHRSCharming Shoppes

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Hot Stock Picks Monday 11/22/10


Major Indexes declined in the early hours. Retail stocks are holding up.

We think consumer and retails sector will out perform the over all market.

Stocks to Watch

LRADLrad Corp. KOSSKoss Corp. FUQI - Fuqi International

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Top stock Picks 11/19/10 Friday


Hot Stock Picks Friday 11/19/10

Trading is subdued after the huge volume spike yesterday. Fed Chairman strongly defended QE2.

Hot Stocks to Watch

EPIC Epicor LPSNLivePerson CPWM- CostPlus

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GM IPO lifts DOW Irish crisis resolved


Hot stock Picks Thursday 11/18/10

As the opening bell sounded, GM peeled off with vengeance, there were no shortage of investors who wanted to hitch a ride with GM today.

The credit for GM's success (100%) goes to the Administration, yes the OBAMA administration. We know some people have really hard time uttering those two words, only ignorants and fools could have such pride, we are investors and traders, we live and die by the facts and numbers.

The best thing our government ever did in recent memory, saved an American Icon, an Industrial Pioneer, saving and creating thousands of jobs in the process.

Ask the people who actually work directly or indirectly for GM in Ohio, Michigan and Texas.

Hot Stocks to Watch

EXEL Exelixis LTXC LTC-Credence CSCDCascade RTECRudolph

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